10 Food Triggers to Avoid for Migraines

10 Food Triggers to Avoid for Migraines

Certain foods trigger certain conditions, like sugar for diabetes. However, there is not one blanket trigger food or food group that triggers migraines. One food may trigger a migraine once and might not the next time. Moreover, what is safe for you could be a definite trigger for another person. Most people with migraines are requested to maintain a journal to track and eliminate food triggers.

Today, there are hosts of apps that help track migraines more effectively, and preventing food triggers is easier than ever.

Foods that are potential triggers for migraines:

1. Caffeine
This is a subject of discussion for many conditions, as caffeine can help relieve headaches. However, more than two or three cups can induce headaches. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated sodas, gum, and candy. Reduce the intake of caffeine to the barest minimum and pay attention to how much is consumed. If one has a chocolate craving, consider indulging in white chocolate.

2. Fruits
Certain fresh fruits from the citrus family, ripe bananas, papaya, red plums, pineapple, and raspberries can trigger a migraine. Dried figs, raisins, and dates are triggers, too.

3. Vegetables
Onions and pickled vegetables are potential triggers. Beans and peas, too, can contain triggers.

4. Tyramine
The human body breaks down the food consumed into amino acids and other natural compounds. One such product that is released is Tyramine; this can cause headaches. Aged or food stored is high in Tyramine. Cheese, pickles, and cured meat contain high amounts of Tyramine. Some nuts like peanuts, Brazil nuts, fava, navy, and pinto beans are high in Tyramine, too. As a result, they should be avoided.

5. Bread
Yeast in fresh bread or any baked item has been identified as a trigger. Therefore, any baked product with yeast has to be avoided.

6. Whole grains
Whole grains usually contain gluten. If those who are allergic to gluten eat it, the body responds to it by fighting and causing reactions, leading to a headache. Instead, consider using grains like red rice, buckwheat, and corn, which are gluten-free.

7. Preservatives
Read labels and avoid all products with MSG, flavor enhancers, and multiple preservatives to increase the shelf life of processed foods.

8. Dairy
All types of cultured dairy products, including buttermilk and sour cream, are fermented. Long stored products like all types of cheese should be avoided.

9. Processed meat
Processed meats are high levels of nitrates, which can be migraine triggers. They also contain Tyramine, which, as mentioned earlier, should be avoided, too. As a result, canned or pickled meat and fish should be avoided. Meat tenderizers and sauces contain preservatives and potential triggers and hence should be avoided.

10. Yeast
Not only is yeast a trigger on its own, it is also used with other probable triggers like wheat in a recipe, making it only even worse.

Eat as much fresh food as possible. Though it may seem like trigger foods are leaving one with very little to choose from, these foods are not to be completely eliminated from one’s diet. Try small amounts and see the effect on one’s health. If the body does not respond with a migraine, gradually increase the quantity of food. It is essential to eat on time and never skip meals.