5 Easy-to-Follow Lifestyle Tips for UTI

5 Easy-to-Follow Lifestyle Tips for UTI

People of any age and gender can suffer from a urinary tract infection (UTI). While it is not always a complicated or life-threatening illness, a UTI can be painful and bothersome. If it is an uncomplicated infection in a normal, healthy person, treating a UTI is rather easy. However, if UTI occurs with other underlying health conditions, treatment can also be complex and tricky.

The bright side is there are multiple ways to prevent a UTI. Small lifestyle changes go a long way to prevent and manage a UTI. Here are a few tips for you.

1. Drink water
Often said but not usually done, most people do not drink adequate water every day. One’s water intake depends on what climate they live in and what kind of work they do. But when one has a UTI, make it a point to sip water more than one usually would consciously. Fresh, clean drinking water prevents the growth and multiplication of germs in the genital area. If one frequently experiences UTIs, then it is all the more imperative that they flush out harmful microbes from the urinary tract by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

2. Pee often and do not hold it in
If one follows the first tip mentioned, then they will pee often. Pee when one feels the urge to, without holding it in. Restricting urine flow can cause bacterial growth and result in a UTI. And do not become too busy with work or domestic chores and forget to use the bathroom. Urinating often expels pathogens from the urinary tract.

3. Follow hygienic practices
Along with drinking plenty of water and urinating frequently, one needs to follow hygienic practices. It is essential to clean after oneself after using the toilet; always wipe from front to back. Doing so will prevent infection-causing germs from entering the urethra from the anus. Additionally, wash the genitals well with clean water and soap every day. Use a mild soap that will remove harmful microbes. After washing, dry the area well, as moisture will encourage the growth of harmful infection-causing germs.

4. Refrain from using chemical products
The urinary system holds in it a multitude of microorganisms. Some of these are helpful for the smooth functioning of physiological activities in the body. Others are harmful and cause infections like UTI. The usage of bath and hygiene products that contain a lot of chemicals disturb the balance of pathogens that naturally occur in the human body. So, refrain from using such items. It includes scented talc, perfumed bath products like soaps and shampoos, and fragranced sanitary pads and tampons.

5. Eat fruits, vegetables, and probiotics
Create meal plans that include plenty of water-rich fruits and vegetables like pumpkin, watermelon, cranberries, blueberries, spinach, pomegranate, green beans, and squash. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always the best choices. But avoid the consumption of such vegetables and fruits if they are dehydrated or juiced, especially if they are the artificially sweetened kind. Also, eat plenty of probiotic foods like fresh, natural yogurt, buttermilk, kefir, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut. These help keep the urinary tract healthy and protect it from infection. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and probiotics contain friendly bacteria and antioxidants that boost immunity and fight UTIs by removing harmful microorganisms that stick to the lining of the bladder.

One cannot control all diseases, but preventing or managing a UTI is not difficult. Minor lifestyle modifications help alleviate symptoms or prevent this irksome health condition.