7 Human Food That may be Harmful to Pets

7 Human Food That may be Harmful to Pets

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to watch the food you feed your pets. Human foods may be acceptable to certain animals, but not all. It can lead to toxicity in many pets. This variance in food consumption between animals and humans, especially that of humans and house pets, is due to the inherent rate of metabolism that the body promotes. Below is a list of people food to avoid feeding your pets.

1. Alcohol
In addition to causing intoxication, alcohol consumption can lead to a lack of coordination, imbalance in the digestion juices, and weakened breath in pets. Alcohol ingested in significant amounts by pets can be fatal and even lead to coma in some cases.

2. Apple seeds
Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a natural chemical that tends to release cyanide during digestion by pets. It creates a risk for pets when ingested in large amounts because it can directly end up in the bloodstream. So make sure you always core the apple and de-seed it before you feed it to your pet.

3. Avocados
This fruit contains an ingredient known as persin, which can trigger various gastrointestinal issues, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and even heart congestion. The pit of the avocado is also a choking hazard to pets. While a small quantity of avocado chewing may not significantly impact your pet, you must reach out to a vet if they end up eating a sizable amount of avocados.

4. Xylitol
This is one of the most dangerous people food that you should keep your pets away from. Besides having sugar, items such as candy, chewing gum, mouth wash, and toothpaste contain Xylitol in considerable amounts. This can lead to immediate vomiting as well as the loss of coordination. Eventually, it can result in major seizures and even liver failure.

5. Chocolate
This is one food that contains both caffeine and theobromine, which disrupt the pet’s nervous system. Depending on the breed of dog or pet that you have and its inherent traits, even a small piece of chocolate could cause serious problems. Some of the most dangerous forms of chocolate to keep away from pets are dark, white, milk, and unsweetened baking chocolate.

6. Caffeine
Any form of caffeine, be it coffee, tea, or carbonated drinks, can pose a high risk to pets. They can end up being hyperactive and restless, with elevated heart rates. These symptoms can start bearing a negative impact on the pet’s health within one to two hours of ingesting caffeine.

7. Garlic
While a tiny amount of garlic may not cause any harm to your pet, a significant amount of ingestion can lead to toxicity. This can lead to a drop in the red blood cell count and result in anemia. The symptoms that you could visibly notice in your pet include vomiting, weakness, and trouble breathing.