8 Decorative Plants That Are Toxic to Cats

8 Decorative Plants That Are Toxic to Cats

Getting some plants and flowers is a great way to beautify your home, but cat owners must know that certain plants are highly toxic to cats. If you’re a cat parent and are decorating your home, it’s important that you know how different plants can affect your pet. Accidental ingestion of some plants can prove life-threatening for felines, so it’s best to keep them away from decorative plants that are dangerous for cats.

1. Lilies
There are about 90 varieties of lilies, and some of the popular ones that are used as indoor decorative plants are Easter lily, Asiatic Lily, and Lily of the Valley. All these plants are highly poisonous to cats, and ingestion of even a small amount of any part can cause kidney failure.

2. Eucalyptus
While it is known to be a rich source of fiber, it is not a plant that is considered part of a healthy diet for cats. The leaves of the eucalyptus plant are highly toxic to cats.

3. Jade
This is a common succulent picked to decorate homes by many plant lovers because jade plants are beautiful and don’t need much maintenance. That said, you do not want them around the house if you have a cat, as all parts of the decorative plant are highly poisonous and dangerous for cats.

4. Milkweed
This can make for a beautiful addition in the yard or around the house for the monarch butterfly, but the fruit found on the milkweed plant can prove fatal for cats if ingested.

5. Hyacinths
This is another low-maintenance plant that adds beauty to a house, but the bulbs of the flowers contain alkaloids, which make this decorative plant extremely dangerous for cats.

6. Tomato
While the very fruit may not be harmful to your cat, the leaves and stem of the plant are considered highly toxic if ingested in large amounts. Also, cats are curious and tend to nibble on things, so it’s best to steer clear of keeping a tomato plant at home.

7. Daffodils
There is certainly no denying the picturesque beauty of this plant and its contribution to the aesthetics of the house with its yellow and white flowers. That said, every part of the daffodil, including the leaves, bulbs, and flowers, is highly poisonous for cats and can cause a wide variety of toxicity-related symptoms.

8. Azaleas
This decorative plant is considered to be a very poisonous and dangerous addition to your home, especially if you have cats. This is because it can cause severe gastrointestinal, central nervous, and cardiovascular issues in felines.

Some of the other decorative plants that are dangerous for cats are Croton, Ficus, Oleander, Christmas cherry, caladium, dieffenbachia, philodendron, Monstera, and holly berries. The level of toxicity varies from one plant to another, and the impact it bears on a cat will depend on the level of exposure and the amount of ingestion.