Must-Have Ingredients in Healthy Cat Treats

Must-Have Ingredients in Healthy Cat Treats

Cat treats are one of the best ways to show your beloved feline some extra love. But not all cat treats are healthy and some can even end up causing disruptions in your pet’s dietary habits. They can lead to weight gain and poor bowel movements. However, this does not mean that you have to stop buying cat treats. You just need to ensure that you find the right ones.

What are the ingredients to look for in healthy cat treats?
When you are buying store-bought cat treats, it is important to start by checking the ingredients list. Here is a list of top items that you can closely look for on packaged goods to ensure they are high quality.

  • Meat labels
    Look at what the label reads for listing meat. Is it too vague and just leaves it at ‘meat’ or ‘meal of meat’? It is better to choose options that say freeze-dried chicken as the primary ingredient.
  • Natural ingredients
    Most of the cat treats contain artificial components. It is important that you avoid such treats because these preservatives can end up causing strain to your cat’s digestive system. Look for ones that contain natural preservatives.
  • Number of ingredients
    When you look at the ingredients list, see if they mention only a few ingredients or a whole paragraph of things that you have no clue about. Choose the ones that have the most obvious ingredients and lesser components.
  • Pay attention to the source
    Look to see if this cat treat is one that is produced in a local area or if it is imported. Provided it is a recognized brand, you can go for ones that are from other regions. However, if you’re not sure, look for ones that are made closer to your city of residence so that you know that the cat treats are fresher.
  • Pay attention to calories
    When you pick up a cat treat, you need to see how many calories you are adding to your pet’s diet. A cat treat is one that is given in addition to its regular meals. Thereby, the option that you pick should be one that contributes to their overall nutrition requirements.

In addition to these, here are two important points to keep in mind.

1. Go with professional advice
If you are new to buying cat treats, then it is important that you know what you’re picking. You can ask your vet to give you the best recommendations for ingredients to look for in healthy cat treats according to the breed you own.

2. Consider alternatives
Don’t stick to cat treats as the only method of appreciating your feline. You can also look for other ways that demonstrate your love rather than having to pick just one method. This could involve cooking a special meal for them at home, rewarding them with toys, or making your own cat treats.