Top Herbal Remedies to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Top Herbal Remedies to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Many men get frustrated and are likely to be in denial when they figure out that they have erectile dysfunction. One could end up using treatment methods and products that are not certified in the urgency to be cured.

Here are some time-tested herbal remedies that increase blood flow and libido and help one regain sexual function:
1. Panax ginseng
Ginseng has been used in Eastern healthcare systems for centuries. It helps in building overall stamina, concentration, and stress reduction. It also helps release nitric oxide into the bloodstream. Ginseng has been specifically used to treat erectile dysfunction. It helps in creating and sustaining a penile erection and improves interest in sexual activity. The herb is available in many forms like powder, capsules, and creams. It should be used only for a short duration of six to eight weeks. Do not have it regularly. One must avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine if they have ginseng.

2. African yohimbine
Yohimbine, which has been tested in western countries, can activate the penile nerves to release more nitric oxide. It widens the nerves, improves blood circulation to the penis, and stimulates and sustains an erection for a longer time. However, yohimbine can have multiple side effects like sweating, agitation, headaches, and even high blood pressure. One has to check with a doctor to understand the right and safe dosage for them. It could react if taken with other medications like Viagra or with any other prescribed medication for hypertension. One should not take this medicine without proper supervision or prescription.

3. Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba, another herb used in traditional Chinese medicine, increases blood circulation and blood flow to the penis. It significantly helps those who are taking medication for depression and experiencing ED.

4. African mondia white
Mondia is the root of an African plant and has been used to increase libido, very similar to what Viagra is used for. It can increase desire and sperm count. Mondia is considered an aphrodisiac and has also been proven to increase both potency and pleasure during intercourse. 

5. Rhodiola rosea
This herb reduces fatigue and increases stamina and energy, directly impacting sexual functions.

6. Wild yam
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands that control testosterone production. Supplements made from wild yam have shown improvement in testosterone production in those who have a deficiency and maintain an erection.   

  Do not buy herbal remedies or supplements that the FDA has not approved. There could be many such supplements prepared by unauthorized practitioners. The products could be adulterated or contaminated. Read the ingredient list carefully. If the labels do not have sufficient approval, data do not buy such herbal supplements.  Always do research and learn about possible side effects.