Foods to Manage ADHD Symptoms
Food plays a significant role in managing ADHD. A solid dietary plan can improve symptoms such as impulse, concentration, and hyperactivity and reduce stress and anxiety. Below is a list of food that goes a long way in managing ADHD symptoms. 1. Proteins Proteins help the brain generate neurotransmitters, which help the brain communicate with other body parts. This helps control hyperactivity in ADHD patients. The most common protein-rich foods, which have beneficial effects, are beef, poultry, pork, fish, eggs, soy, nuts, and beans. Low-fat dairy products are also great additions to protein. Having a solid nutrition-packed protein breakfast enables the brain to produce neurotransmitters effectively. 2. Complex carbs and fibers Even though ADHD patients may take medication, it is crucial to keep them stable throughout the day. The best way to do so is by combining protein foods with complex carbs and high fiber. Some of the best sources of carbs are barley, brown rice, quinoa, corn, legumes, and potatoes. On the other hand, whole grains, beans, lentils, berries, apples, dried fruits, and avocados are the best sources of fiber. 3. Omega-3 fatty acids Another great supplement that can manage ADHD is omega-3 fatty acids. This is commonly found in fish, such as salmon and mackerel.