4 Natural Ways to Manage Sleep Apnea
The National Sleep Foundation has estimated that nearly 18 million adults and an overall of 15-20% of children snore while asleep due to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). In addition, the study also suggests that those with moderate or visible symptoms of sleep apnea should seek medical intervention to avoid further complications. These complications include a high risk of stroke, other associated heart diseases, and high blood pressure. While those with mild sleep apnea could perhaps benefit from medical interventions, the evidence is rather inconclusive. Thankfully, there are a handful of natural remedies that have shown incredible results in managing sleep apnea. 1. Weight loss Being overweight or obese increases the likelihood of sleep apnea. The fat accumulated around the neck has the ability to impair one’s breathing. Weight loss can be achieved when the following is done: Ensuring to completely stop the intake of fast foods and other processed foods. Stick only to freshly cooked food that has a spread of vegetables and lean meats. Ensuring to engage in consistent physical activity for about 20-30 minutes a day. Stopping the consumption of beverages and cola that is replete with sugar. 2. Healthy lifestyle changes If you are a smoker, ensure to stop it right away, as the habit could lead to severe swelling of the upper airways, paving the way to sleep apnea.